Thursday, November 11, 2010

More ceramic pieces

a balance of organic form and architecture
abstract ceramic form

abstract ceramic piece influence by the western landscapes of north america

When one form takes over another. ceramic

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

some old and new documented work

abstract grapefruit
across the desert
its just poker
Genetic pepper, bronze
ceramic pitcher

ceramic container
back of bronze pepper
Bronze pepper with my face
close up of ceramic vase
ceramic vase

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Working with wax

i created a very curvy pedestal. The the black mask is made of wax which burns out of the plaster mold when the bronze is poured in.
melting two wax skulls together. Initial plan was to create a shoulder piece with this for a bronze armor set I was making. It still may take a different direction.

ceramic flower

layering paint for this effect. Still has about 10 more to go, so I will post soon what the final product looks like.

The red is bondo to fill in a crack.

Monday, March 29, 2010

trying to balance abstracted forms of human fleshy figures